South West Green Party Wed, 26 Feb 2025 09:35:05 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 South West Green Party 32 32 Councillor launches campaign to give litter-pickers to all local primary schools Wed, 26 Feb 2025 09:35:05 +0000 Litter-picking councillor Gill Thomas launched on Saturday a campaign to provide every primary school in Stroud District with their own stock of litter-picking sticks. The ‘Litter Pickers for Little Pickers’ campaign will give all primary-aged children access to sticks so that they can play a part in keeping the areas around their schools tidy. Gill, […]

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Litter-picking councillor Gill Thomas launched on Saturday a campaign to provide every primary school in Stroud District with their own stock of litter-picking sticks.

The ‘Litter Pickers for Little Pickers’ campaign will give all primary-aged children access to sticks so that they can play a part in keeping the areas around their schools tidy.

Gill, who is Stroud District Council’s Litter Champion, has already been in touch with more than half of the district’s 60 primary schools and almost all of those have asked to take part in the scheme, with requests for 1,100 litter sticks so far. She expects demand to rise as more schools hear about the project.

The scheme was launched at the Water for Wellbeing evening organised by Amy Morris from Stroud Waters at Court Farm, King Stanley, which provided an update and discussion on the proposals for the new outdoor natural swimming area, which has recently been successful in its crowdfunding campaign.

Gill is now aiming to raise the money to buy the sticks, which cost about £6 each. Gill, one of the Green councillors for Minchinhampton, has to raise an estimated £10,000 and plans to take part in a variety of fundraising challenges over the coming year, including a 21km swim along the canal from Saul Junction to Sapperton Tunnel. Other challenges include a 176km trash trail bike ride around the District boundary, a longest day of the year 26.2 mile marathon litter pick night walk, running and litter picking the Stroud Half Marathon, (repeating her achievement in 2024) and an ‘ice walk’ over broken glass bottles collected as litter from the streets of Stroud.

She said: “Schools are really enthusiastic about this. Some already have litter pickers for their children to use, but this project will make picking up litter even more accessible. The schools I’ve contacted so far have asked for anything from 10 to 100 sticks each.”

Gill added: “It’s about nurturing a sense of responsibility from an early age in the hope that young people will carry positive litter habits into adulthood and we’ll start to see a reverse in attitudes to dropping litter.”

The money raised will also help to buy books about litter and the environment, and pay for reading sessions in schools through the Gloucestershire-based charities Read with Me and Read for Good.External

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East of Bath Deserves Better: A win for the community! Wed, 26 Feb 2025 09:30:25 +0000 In a monumental U-turn, the Liberal Democrat-led Council has scrapped the controversial Camden Road bus gate after a storm of public opposition. The proposed scheme, which was meant to reduce traffic and improve air quality, instead triggered a fierce backlash from residents. Many argued that the bus gate would rather push traffic into already congested […]

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In a monumental U-turn, the Liberal Democrat-led Council has scrapped the controversial Camden Road bus gate after a storm of public opposition. The proposed scheme, which was meant to reduce traffic and improve air quality, instead triggered a fierce backlash from residents. Many argued that the bus gate would rather push traffic into already congested areas, making things worse for neighbourhoods like Snow Hill, Fairfield Park, Lambridge, and London Road.

Despite clear and overwhelming opposition from residents, the council pressed ahead with the scheme, showing their disregard for the community’s voices. After facing mounting criticism and pressure, the council has finally cancelled the proposal in an open letter. However, this last-minute change is little more than a reactive measure, reflecting the administration’s failure to engage with residents, meaningfully.

The Green Group has welcomed the council’s backtrack, with Councillor Joanna Wright, Leader of the Greens and representing Lambridge ward, adding: 

“The cancellation is a small victory for residents, but it highlights the incompetence of a council more focused on winning the votes of a few than actually listening to the concerns of the community. This is not the way to plan for a better Bath or create Liveable Neighbourhoods.”

Rather than relying on rushed, poorly thought-out schemes, the Greens are calling for a more thoughtful, evidence-based approach to traffic management in East Bath. They are proposing the creation of a community-led Liveable Neighbourhood for the east of Bath, which would address traffic, air quality, and congestion issues in a way that benefits the entire community, not just a select few.

In response to the council’s failure, Lambridge Councillors are urging the administration to work across political ward boundaries and engage with the community in a meaningful way to come up with a better plan for the East of Bath.

The Green Group is also demanding greater transparency and public consultation to ensure that the voices of all Bath residents are genuinely heard and considered in future decisions.

Lambridge Councillors are inviting the community to another public meeting at the New Oriel Hall on Wednesday 19 March, from 6-7.15 pm to hear their thoughts on a better plan for our community. Cllr Manda Rigby and the Liveable Neighbourhoods team have been invited to this meeting. 

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Green Party Survey Reveals Strong Public Opposition to Swindon Road Recycling Centre Closure Wed, 12 Feb 2025 10:41:37 +0000 A recent survey, facilitated by the Cheltenham GreenParty, has revealed the depth of public dissatisfaction with theproposed closure of the Swindon Road Recycling Centre and the LiberalDemocrat-led council’s handling of the matter1. The survey, whichallowed Cheltenham residents to express their views on the closure,demonstrates the Green Party’s commitment to directly engaging with andlistening to the […]

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A recent survey, facilitated by the Cheltenham Green
Party, has revealed the depth of public dissatisfaction with the
proposed closure of the Swindon Road Recycling Centre and the Liberal
Democrat-led council’s handling of the matter1. The survey, which
allowed Cheltenham residents to express their views on the closure,
demonstrates the Green Party’s commitment to directly engaging with and
listening to the community.

Gary Clarke Green Party county Council candidate the Lansdown and Park

“Evidence from fix shows that under this libdem council in
The last year alone,  fly tipping as doubled across cheltenham. The
evidence from the Green Party survey is that local people connect that
with the council’s policies. The huge losses incurred on mismanaged
council projects is Leicester gaping hole in their finances. And that’s
a hole that’s being filled by the liberal democrats from the pockets of
Cheltenham’s Council taxpayers. “

The Green Party on behalf of Cheltenham council tax payers calls on the
Liberal Democrat-led council to:

Immediately reverse the closure of the Swindon Road Recycling Centre
pending a genuine and transparent consultation with the public.

Provide a detailed breakdown of the £1 million upgrade costs and
demonstrate that this represents the best value for public funds.

Address the concerns raised by residents regarding increased
fly-tipping, the lack of alternatives, and the negative impact on
vulnerable populations.

Engage with the community to develop sustainable waste management
practices that prioritize the needs of the residents and the

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Green Party calls for accurate information on impacts of ending Active Streets Trial Wed, 12 Feb 2025 10:35:52 +0000 A green party Councillor is calling for clear and accurate information to be presented to Councillors and the public on the impacts of ending the Active Street Trial (AST) in Heavitree and raised concerns that the Council is misrepresenting results of the ongoing monitoring of traffic, walking and cycling.  The call comes in the wake […]

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A green party Councillor is calling for clear and accurate information to be presented to Councillors and the public on the impacts of ending the Active Street Trial (AST) in Heavitree and raised concerns that the Council is misrepresenting results of the ongoing monitoring of traffic, walking and cycling. 

The call comes in the wake of a “grossly misleading” summary of data  presented in a Devon County Council report [1] to be discussed at a Highways and Traffic Orders Committee (HATOC) meeting on 4th February. The report states: “The data shows a slight increase in vehicular traffic within the area, but also a slight increase in walking and cycling numbers.” 

Green councillor Lynn Wetenhall, who is a member of HATOC, said:

“This summary is wholly inadequate as a means of informing Councillors and the public on what the available evidence means. It is a misleading reading of the data. For example, the traffic on Ladysmith Road has increased by 417% since the AST trial – this cannot be described as a ‘slight increase’. [1]

“HATOC members need a technical report, based on the data, which contains a clear summary of the various trends, and what it tells us about changes before, during and after the trial. The information needs to be set out in a way that Councillors and the public can readily understand. We need a robust analysis to clearly determine what impact the AST had on traffic and active travel, comparing before, during and after the trial.

Jack Eade, Green Party candidate for Heavitree and Whipton Barton in the forthcoming County Council elections, added:

“Having spoken to hundreds of residents in Heavitree it is clear what people in the area want most from the County Council is improved transparency and public engagement. Once again, there is a danger that public money will be wasted collecting data that isn’t then presented transparently, properly scrutinised or used to support future actions on creating safer streets for all.”

[2] Monitoring data on traffic, walking and cycling before, during and after the Heavitree AST

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Gloucestershire County Elections to Go Ahead! Wed, 12 Feb 2025 10:30:14 +0000 Gloucestershire Greens are delighted to have it confirmed that the Gloucestershire County Council elections are to go ahead, despite the council’s Conservative leader trying to have them cancelled. Adrian Oldman, coordinator of Stroud District Green Party, said: “Around the country, people are being denied a vote at local elections in May because the Labour government […]

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Gloucestershire Greens are delighted to have it confirmed that the Gloucestershire County Council elections are to go ahead, despite the council’s Conservative leader trying to have them cancelled.

Adrian Oldman, coordinator of Stroud District Green Party, said: “Around the country, people are being denied a vote at local elections in May because the Labour government wants to do away with many local councils and replace them with more unaccountable bodies.

“Cllr Stephen Davies, Conservative leader of Gloucestershire County Council, jumped on this move and tried to have these elections cancelled, because the county’s Conservatives were scared to face the voters with their painfully slim control of the council. Thankfully his request was turned down by the government yesterday, but the local Conservatives have forfeited their right to represent the county as we face an uncertain future for local decision-making.

“Now the government has confirmed that elections are being held here, let’s make sure the government hears from local people.”

Beki Hoyland, coordinator of the Forest of Dean Green Party, said: “The big parties in Westminster claim they want to devolve more power to local councils, but Labour’s latest plans will see this year’s election cancelled in eight counties. Our fragile democracy can’t afford to ignore the people’s right to vote.”

There are already five Green county councillors in Gloucestershire and the party believes it can increase that number significantly in May.

Adrian Oldman added: “We will have candidates standing so that people’s views on what happens in the place they live are heard in the council chamber.”

National Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay MP said: “It’s hard to think of anything more anti-democratic than cancelling elections ahead of a significant change in local democracy. It’s straight out of an authoritarian playbook. How can politicians claim an electoral mandate for major local government changes if those most impacted see their elections cancelled? 

“The Green Party is urging the government to save our democracy, allow these long-planned elections to take place and get around the table to discuss how to make devolution work for people in local areas across the country.

“We want decisions made closest to where they have the greatest impact with significant devolution of powers and funding from Westminster. Without that, people will grow ever more cynical about politics.”



The government’s plans are outlined here:
16 Dec 2024 Local government reorganisation: letter to two-tier areas – GOV.UK
5 Feb 2025 Devolution revolution: six areas to elect Mayors for first time – GOV.UK

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Bath is not a Billboard Wed, 12 Feb 2025 10:22:48 +0000 The recent approval of a Christmas advertisement projection near Bath Abbey has sparked debate over the commercialisation of the city’s historic spaces. Campaigners and heritage groups have raised concerns that such decisions could impact Bath’s UNESCO World Heritage status. The projection, originally approved for York Street adjacent to the Abbey, was scheduled to run after […]

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The recent approval of a Christmas advertisement projection near Bath Abbey has sparked debate over the commercialisation of the city’s historic spaces. Campaigners and heritage groups have raised concerns that such decisions could impact Bath’s UNESCO World Heritage status.

The projection, originally approved for York Street adjacent to the Abbey, was scheduled to run after the Bath Christmas Market. While the advert did not appear during the event, its approval has led to broader discussions about the future of advertising in Bath’s public spaces. Advocacy groups such as Adfree Cities have voiced concerns that heritage sites should not be used for corporate promotions, stating:

“We hear from residents around the country that they want their public spaces to be for local people and communities, not multinational corporations promoting products that are harmful to people and the planet. The creep of advertising into historic public spaces, such as in Bath, brings light and visual pollution and fundamentally changes the feel of an area. Councils must listen to residents’ concerns.”

Sainsbury’s has defended the advert, describing it as part of a festive campaign and pledging to consider local feedback for future initiatives. However, critics argue that without clear regulations, historic spaces may become more susceptible to commercial use.

Green Party representatives have urged the council to take stronger measures to safeguard Bath’s cultural identity. They emphasise the importance of keeping historic areas free from corporate influence, ensuring the city’s unique character is preserved. Green Councillor for Lambridge Ward, Councillor Saskia Heijltjes, commented:

“Since we are already surrounded by advertising in so many areas of our lives, visiting the heart of our historic city should be an escape from that. Bath’s heritage should be preserved for people to enjoy, not treated as a billboard for corporate gain.”

Ian Halsall, Chair of the B&NES Planning Committee, confirmed that any future advertising proposals would require a new application and public consultation, allowing residents to share their views.

The Green Party is calling for strengthened protections to prevent the commercial exploitation of Bath’s historic landmarks. Green Party candidate for Bath and North East Somerset, Dominic Tristram, added:

“While I support efforts to tackle food insecurity, projecting a corporate advert so near to a historic building like Bath Abbey is a step too far. Bath’s charm lies in its heritage, not in flashing advertisements. This sets a worrying precedent that risks damaging Bath’s UNESCO World Heritage status. The council must prioritise the city’s unique character over corporate interests.”

Notes to Editors:

Planning application Reference: 24/04311/AR

Background on Bath’s UNESCO World Heritage Status:
Bath was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 due to its outstanding Georgian architecture and natural hot springs, making it one of the UK’s most historically significant cities. Protection of its heritage is a priority for both local residents and national heritage bodies.

Green Party’s Position on Commercialisation:
The Green Party has long advocated for policies that preserve public spaces and limit corporate influence. This includes calls for stricter planning regulations to protect historic sites from commercial advertising.

About Adfree Cities:
Adfree Cities is a UK-based network of local groups campaigning to reduce outdoor advertising and reclaim public spaces for community benefit. The organisation promotes policies that limit commercial intrusion in cities and protect local heritage. Adfree Cities opposed the Sainsbury’s planning application, as noted in their statement: Adfree Cities Opposition.

Public Opposition:
Formal objections were submitted to Bath and North East Somerset Council during the planning process. Concerns included the impact on Bath’s character, the precedent it could set for future advertising, and potential effects on the city’s tourism and cultural heritage.

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Greens push to set School Streets in motion Wed, 08 Jan 2025 08:54:39 +0000 Green Party councillors will present a motion this Tuesday calling on Devon County Council to work with schools and communities to increase the number of School Streets in Exeter. School Streets are designed to improve child safety by creating car-free areas outside schools for short periods at the start and end of the school day. […]

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Green Party councillors will present a motion this Tuesday calling on Devon County Council to work with schools and communities to increase the number of School Streets in Exeter. School Streets are designed to improve child safety by creating car-free areas outside schools for short periods at the start and end of the school day. The new Labour Government has recently strengthened guidance for School Streets which must now be supported by enforcement and monitoring.

Green Councillor Catherine Rees, who will propose the motion at Tuesday’s full Exeter City Council meeting, said:

“School Streets put children first. They give both parents and children the confidence to know they will be safe when they walk, scoot or cycle to school. These schemes are hugely popular. They can improve the safety and travel experience for school pupils, staff, visitors, and neighbours at peak school arrival and departure times. 

“Given the support for School Streets shown by the Labour government and new national guidance which will ensure these schemes are properly enforced and monitored, we trust that Labour city councillors will give this motion their full backing. This will help put pressure on Devon County Council to support and encourage schools to implement School Streets.”

Green Councillor James Banyard will second the motion. He added:

“School Streets deliver a range of benefits for children. They provide opportunities to improve both physical and mental health by increasing levels of walking, wheeling and cycling to school and provide more opportunities for children to chat with their friends on the journey. They increase pupil independence and develop healthy travel habits that can be carried into later life. 

“Let’s get School Streets in motion in Exeter so they can play their part in creating safer, healthier and cleaner neighbourhoods.”

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Green Party Condemns Threat to Affordable Housing in West Cheltenham Development Thu, 19 Dec 2024 10:51:13 +0000 The Cheltenham Green Party has raised serious concerns about attempts to reduce affordable housing provisions in the West Cheltenham Cyberpark development. A recent planning application for the North Parcel (ref 22/01817/OUT) by St Modwen includes a viability statement that suggests dramatically reducing affordable housing commitments and financial contributions. Wendy Flynn, speaking for the Cheltenham Green […]

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The Cheltenham Green Party has raised serious concerns about attempts to reduce affordable housing provisions in the West Cheltenham Cyberpark development. A recent planning application for the North Parcel (ref 22/01817/OUT) by St Modwen includes a viability statement that suggests dramatically reducing affordable housing commitments and financial contributions.

Wendy Flynn, speaking for the Cheltenham Green Party, said:

“The viability study included in this planning application suggests abandoning social rental units completely. This is absolutely unacceptable. We cannot allow developers to prioritize their 20% profit margins over the fundamental housing needs of our community.”

“The local planning guidance requiring 35% affordable housing, with 75% social rented and 25% shared ownership, exists for good reason,” Flynn continued. “If we allow one developer to deviate from these requirements, others will follow suit, and we risk losing truly affordable housing across the entire development.”

The Green Party warns that approving this application would set a dangerous precedent, potentially leading other developers, including Cheltenham Borough Council, to make similar claims about viability.

“When we allow developers to erode affordable housing provisions, we’re not just building buildings – we’re dismantling community opportunities,” Flynn emphasized. “We call on councillors to stand firm on affordable housing requirements. If financial compromises must be made, they should come from reduced developer profits, not from cutting vital social housing provision.”

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Local government reorganisation will “steal power away from local people”, say Gloucestershire Green leaders Thu, 19 Dec 2024 09:15:34 +0000 Green leaders in Gloucestershire have expressed “deep concerns” that the proposed reorganisation of local government could take decision-making power away from local communities and erode trust in politics.  Responding to the government’s White Paper on the reorganisation of local government, they expressed support for the Government’s intention to devolve power to a more local level. But […]

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Green leaders in Gloucestershire have expressed “deep concerns” that the proposed reorganisation of local government could take decision-making power away from local communities and erode trust in politics. 

Responding to the government’s White Paper on the reorganisation of local government, they expressed support for the Government’s intention to devolve power to a more local level. But they highlighted the danger to local democracy that could come from Labour’s proposals to move decision-making to regional mayors and replace England’s 164 district councils – the tier of local government closest to communities – with large new unitary councils with populations over half a million.

 Cllr Adrian Birch, Leader of Forest of Dean District Council, said: “The big problem with Labour’s plans is the democratic deficit. These plans will mean scrapping district councils across Gloucestershire, with local services being controlled by vast councils that are remote from our communities.

“As Greens, we want decisions to be made as close as possible to the people most affected, and we will champion our local communities’ voices, so that views from all corners of the county are heard.”

Cllr Catherine Braun, Leader of Stroud District Council, said: “It’s clear that the Government is committed to council reform, and we will do our utmost to get the best possible outcome for a greener and more prosperous future for people in Gloucestershire.

“I welcome the principle of devolution, the new powers to improve bus and train services, and stronger rights for communities to buy assets, like youth clubs and sport facilities. However, I’m concerned about the concentration of power in the hands of a few individual mayors who could place national politics over the needs of Gloucestershire communities.”

Cllr Cate Cody, Leader of the Green Groups at Gloucestershire County Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council, said the proposals risk deepening existing disillusionment and cynicism about politics: “Evidence shows that creating larger councils erodes local democracy, having a negative impact on trust in councillors, public engagement and voter turnout. With a much bigger distance between voters and the councils that serve them, there’s a real risk that people will feel disengaged from local democracy. 

“Maintaining trust in local government will be key for the decisions ahead so I would like to see this reform as an opportunity to renew and strengthen our democratic institutions, and to introduce a fair proportional voting system for local elections.” 

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Exeter Greens respond to Labour’s National Planning Policy Framework: misguided and an insult to local democracy Sun, 15 Dec 2024 16:41:10 +0000 Responding to the government’s new National Planning Policy Framework which has set a goal of getting 1.5 million new homes built during this parliament, but will allow local authority planning officers the power to rubber stamp development proposals without permission from council committees, the leader Green group on Exeter City Council, Councillor Diana Moore, said: “With […]

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Responding to the government’s new National Planning Policy Framework which has set a goal of getting 1.5 million new homes built during this parliament, but will allow local authority planning officers the power to rubber stamp development proposals without permission from council committees, the leader Green group on Exeter City Council, Councillor Diana Moore, said:

“With its obsessive focus on housing numbers, Labour’s new planning framework fails to take the holistic approach to housing that is needed. We have already seen the results of this numbers game in Exeter from previous house building targets – the wrong homes in the wrong places that are way too expensive for most people. Exeter has seen a string of developments that have ripped out green spaces on the edges of the city and delivered high-priced, car-dependent homes with little or no infrastructure in the way of doctor’s surgeries, schools, shops or public transport.  

“Furthermore, painting the local planning process as the ‘block’ on achieving housing targets is misguided and an insult to local democracy. 

“Misguided because District planning authorities already approve around nine in 10 planning applications they receive and there are currently over a million homes with planning consent in the UK waiting to be built. In Exeter there are 5289 homes that have planning permission but developers are sitting on the land and not getting on with it. 

“And an insult to local democracy because local people and those elected to represent them should have the right to have a say over major changes to their local community. Instead, the government seems happy to bulldoze its way through the local planning system and pander to the interests of private developers whose main interest is lining their pockets.

“Most importantly, homes must be built to meet the needs of local communities, rather than what offers developers the greatest profit. That means a high proportion of new homes must be truly affordable council and social housing built to the highest environmental standards so energy bills are kept low. Exeter Council’s own passivhaus council houses have shown the way. We need far more of these types of homes and less executive homes which are out of reach for so many people.

“We know that many Labour District Councils are distinctly unhappy at the changes proposed by the reforms of the National Planning Policy Framework. Labour-led Exeter City Council must bend the ear of government and tell them firmly that the city needs the right homes in the right place at the right price. Any planning policy that fails those tests is not fit for purpose.”    

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