Exeter Green Party secure public consultation on future of former bus station site 

Exeter Green Party has secured a commitment to engage with the public on the future of the old bus station site in the city centre. A survey the Green Party launched [1] asking local residents for ideas on how the site should be used found no appetite for the Labour-led Council’s plan for a temporary car park. Over 280 responses to a survey the Greens launched brought forward many creative ideas for the site, which has prompted the Council to consult on possible alternatives to a car park. 

Green councillor Andy Ketchin said:

“While Labour accelerated towards turning the bus station site into a car park, Exeter Greens set out to engage with local people to find out what they really wanted. Our survey resulted in over 400 suggestions, only one of which included a car park. Popular suggestions included a green space, city park or plaza and a market square or commercial space to showcase local businesses and Devon produce. Other creative ideas included a children’s play park and an arts or performance space.”

Leader of the Green group on Exeter City Council, Cllr Diana Moore, added:

“Clearly the public in Exeter are far more creative than the Labour-run Council and see this as an opportunity to develop this prime city centre space in interesting and exciting ways both in the short and longer term. This week I called on the Labour leadership to creatively collaborate with the community and local businesses and it is a step forward that they have agreed to a public consultation. Hopefully they will get the message loud and clear: no to a car park; yes to something special and distinctive.”

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