Green Party Condemns Threat to Affordable Housing in West Cheltenham Development

The Cheltenham Green Party has raised serious concerns about attempts to reduce affordable housing provisions in the West Cheltenham Cyberpark development. A recent planning application for the North Parcel (ref 22/01817/OUT) by St Modwen includes a viability statement that suggests dramatically reducing affordable housing commitments and financial contributions.

Wendy Flynn, speaking for the Cheltenham Green Party, said:

“The viability study included in this planning application suggests abandoning social rental units completely. This is absolutely unacceptable. We cannot allow developers to prioritize their 20% profit margins over the fundamental housing needs of our community.”

“The local planning guidance requiring 35% affordable housing, with 75% social rented and 25% shared ownership, exists for good reason,” Flynn continued. “If we allow one developer to deviate from these requirements, others will follow suit, and we risk losing truly affordable housing across the entire development.”

The Green Party warns that approving this application would set a dangerous precedent, potentially leading other developers, including Cheltenham Borough Council, to make similar claims about viability.

“When we allow developers to erode affordable housing provisions, we’re not just building buildings – we’re dismantling community opportunities,” Flynn emphasized. “We call on councillors to stand firm on affordable housing requirements. If financial compromises must be made, they should come from reduced developer profits, not from cutting vital social housing provision.”

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