Greens push to set School Streets in motion

Green Party councillors will present a motion this Tuesday calling on Devon County Council to work with schools and communities to increase the number of School Streets in Exeter. School Streets are designed to improve child safety by creating car-free areas outside schools for short periods at the start and end of the school day. The new Labour Government has recently strengthened guidance for School Streets which must now be supported by enforcement and monitoring.

Green Councillor Catherine Rees, who will propose the motion at Tuesday’s full Exeter City Council meeting, said:

“School Streets put children first. They give both parents and children the confidence to know they will be safe when they walk, scoot or cycle to school. These schemes are hugely popular. They can improve the safety and travel experience for school pupils, staff, visitors, and neighbours at peak school arrival and departure times. 

“Given the support for School Streets shown by the Labour government and new national guidance which will ensure these schemes are properly enforced and monitored, we trust that Labour city councillors will give this motion their full backing. This will help put pressure on Devon County Council to support and encourage schools to implement School Streets.”

Green Councillor James Banyard will second the motion. He added:

“School Streets deliver a range of benefits for children. They provide opportunities to improve both physical and mental health by increasing levels of walking, wheeling and cycling to school and provide more opportunities for children to chat with their friends on the journey. They increase pupil independence and develop healthy travel habits that can be carried into later life. 

“Let’s get School Streets in motion in Exeter so they can play their part in creating safer, healthier and cleaner neighbourhoods.”

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