Green Party Survey Reveals Strong Public Opposition to Swindon Road Recycling Centre Closure

A recent survey, facilitated by the Cheltenham Green
Party, has revealed the depth of public dissatisfaction with the
proposed closure of the Swindon Road Recycling Centre and the Liberal
Democrat-led council’s handling of the matter1. The survey, which
allowed Cheltenham residents to express their views on the closure,
demonstrates the Green Party’s commitment to directly engaging with and
listening to the community.

Gary Clarke Green Party county Council candidate the Lansdown and Park

“Evidence from fix shows that under this libdem council in
The last year alone,  fly tipping as doubled across cheltenham. The
evidence from the Green Party survey is that local people connect that
with the council’s policies. The huge losses incurred on mismanaged
council projects is Leicester gaping hole in their finances. And that’s
a hole that’s being filled by the liberal democrats from the pockets of
Cheltenham’s Council taxpayers. “

The Green Party on behalf of Cheltenham council tax payers calls on the
Liberal Democrat-led council to:

Immediately reverse the closure of the Swindon Road Recycling Centre
pending a genuine and transparent consultation with the public.

Provide a detailed breakdown of the £1 million upgrade costs and
demonstrate that this represents the best value for public funds.

Address the concerns raised by residents regarding increased
fly-tipping, the lack of alternatives, and the negative impact on
vulnerable populations.

Engage with the community to develop sustainable waste management
practices that prioritize the needs of the residents and the

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