East of Bath Deserves Better: A win for the community!

In a monumental U-turn, the Liberal Democrat-led Council has scrapped the controversial Camden Road bus gate after a storm of public opposition. The proposed scheme, which was meant to reduce traffic and improve air quality, instead triggered a fierce backlash from residents. Many argued that the bus gate would rather push traffic into already congested areas, making things worse for neighbourhoods like Snow Hill, Fairfield Park, Lambridge, and London Road.

Despite clear and overwhelming opposition from residents, the council pressed ahead with the scheme, showing their disregard for the community’s voices. After facing mounting criticism and pressure, the council has finally cancelled the proposal in an open letter. However, this last-minute change is little more than a reactive measure, reflecting the administration’s failure to engage with residents, meaningfully.

The Green Group has welcomed the council’s backtrack, with Councillor Joanna Wright, Leader of the Greens and representing Lambridge ward, adding: 

“The cancellation is a small victory for residents, but it highlights the incompetence of a council more focused on winning the votes of a few than actually listening to the concerns of the community. This is not the way to plan for a better Bath or create Liveable Neighbourhoods.”

Rather than relying on rushed, poorly thought-out schemes, the Greens are calling for a more thoughtful, evidence-based approach to traffic management in East Bath. They are proposing the creation of a community-led Liveable Neighbourhood for the east of Bath, which would address traffic, air quality, and congestion issues in a way that benefits the entire community, not just a select few.

In response to the council’s failure, Lambridge Councillors are urging the administration to work across political ward boundaries and engage with the community in a meaningful way to come up with a better plan for the East of Bath.

The Green Group is also demanding greater transparency and public consultation to ensure that the voices of all Bath residents are genuinely heard and considered in future decisions.

Lambridge Councillors are inviting the community to another public meeting at the New Oriel Hall on Wednesday 19 March, from 6-7.15 pm to hear their thoughts on a better plan for our community. Cllr Manda Rigby and the Liveable Neighbourhoods team have been invited to this meeting. 

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